FileMaker Hosting Services Comparison

  FileMaker Pro Database Cloud HostingFileMaker Shared Hosting FileMaker Dedicated Database HostingFileMaker Database Hosting FileMaker Server HostingFileMaker Server Hosting
Purpose Affordably Managed FileMaker Hosting on Shared Servers Affordably Managed FileMaker Hosting on a Dedicated Server Comanaged FileMaker Hosting on Dedicated Server for Custom Deployment Configurations
Entry Price $19.95/mo $49.95/mo $99.95/mo
Max Databases At Entry Price 1 256 256
Supported FileMaker Server Versions 11 through 14 2024 (others upon request) 11 through 2024
FileMaker Server License Included Bundle Discounts Available Bring Own or Obtain through FMPHost
Max Connections Unlimited Depends on License Depends on License
Backup Strategy 7 Archives Per Database 7 Archives Per Database Daily Server Snapshot
SSL Certificate Valid * Provided. Valid * Provided. Customer Can Replace. Valid * Provided. Customer Can Replace.
FileMaker Server Admin Console Access No Yes Yes
FMPHost Control Panel Database Management Yes Yes No
Remote Desktop Access No No Yes
Host Additional Services (Web, Mail, MySQL, etc) Requires Web and Email Hosting Plan Requires Web and Email Hosting Plan Yes
Additional Plugin Installation Requires Approval Yes, .fmx or .fmx64 only Yes
360Works MirrorSync / Zulu Requires 360Works Hosting Plan Requires 360Works Hosting Plan Customer Can Install On Server